"Dare to dream awake" - Puck on adopting her new lifestyle

"Dare to dream awake" - Puck on adopting her new lifestyle

Meet Puck. A beautiful, smart and strong woman who decided to leave her home behind and become a nomad.

"I faced myself and I was forced to think things over."

Why did you make the decision to travel for an undetermined period?

January 2020 was the moment where I came to a full stop because I burned out. One year later I quit my job and went to Bonaire for 3 months to fully recover & heal. Magical things happened. I discovered surfing and it changed my life forever. I felt like I wanted to make this lifestyle a permanent one.

What is your connection to the ocean?

Ever since I was little I have always felt drawn to the beach & ocean. My dad would take me to the beach whenever I would stay at his place. My bond with the ocean and beach turned into a passion this year when I learned how to kite and was introduced to windsurfing.

I feel so connected to nature. My soul feels most free the moment I step foot on the beach and once I ride the waves I feel ALIVE. That is why I find it so important to take care of nature.

By becoming aware of the consequences of our actions, we can create a life that will sustain longer.
Puck Kroonsberg wearing Shake Your Wave bikini in Wijk aan Zee

What is your view on taking care of our oceans?

I believe that sustainability starts with awareness. With the choices we make on a daily basis. By becoming aware of what the consequences of our decisions are on a daily basis, we can create a life that will sustain longer.

Consciously choosing swimwear is part of a lifestyle that contributes to a sustainable planet. That is why I reached out to Shake Your Wave. I believe that by working together we can do so much more than alone.

Tell us more about your new lifestyle!

The first stop was Ibiza. The idea of visiting this island arose last year. I was there for a month in total. Currently I am back in The Netherlands because my ankle ligaments were torn when I fell during hiking and could no longer walk.

I faced myself and as I couldn’t move around freely I was forced to think things over. The whole experience made me realise that you cannot plan life. What you can do is to dream and set intentions. If obstacles cross your path (literally in my case haha) it’s only meant to change the direction towards your true path.

What are your next plans?

Now I am back on Bonaire. I will see for how long I wish to stay. Who knows what other destinations I may end up going to. I am going with the flow of life. Following my dreams, riding the waves of an adventure of a lifetime.

Puck Kroonsberg and Analy Schoots wearing Shake Your Wave bikini in Bonaire